The Vermont Housing & Conservation Board is excited to announce their fall conference, ‘Envisioning Vermont 2025’ which will take place on Tuesday, October 6th at the Hilton Hotel in Burlington.
Vermonters want thriving communities, affordable housing options, good jobs and a healthy environment — ideals that align with our collective organizational missions. Our goals for this conference include fostering cross-disciplinary, visionary thinking among attendees and honoring and supporting emerging leaders. We are planning a mixture of workshops, discussions, field trips and speakers to provide fresh perspectives and inspiration around themes that cross the boundaries between housing and conservation such as energy, climate action and food access. A special focus of the conference will encourage networking and programming for emerging leaders and mid-career professionals. Please submit the names of co-workers or colleagues you think would benefit. Here is a link to a simple nomination form. Nominations are due by July 20. We look forward to convening in October for meaningful conversations. In the meantime, PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 6. Conference details to follow this summer.