Save the Date for the Algiers Village Housing ribbon cutting!
Algiers Village Housing is the culmination of many years of planning on the part of Friends of Algiers, the Town of Guilford, Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, and Housing Vermont. In the course of this effort, two abandoned warehouse buildings were demolished, a brownfield site was cleaned up, and municipal water was extended from Brattleboro to Algiers.
Two new, energy efficient buildings have been constructed in the heart of Algiers village: a 15-apartment building at 91 Guilford Center Road, and a duplex at 71 Guilford Center Road. These buildings will provide housing opportunities for local citizens for many years to come.
When: Wednesday, July 10/4:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: 91 Guilford Center Rd., Guilford, VT
*Refreshments provided by the newly opened Guilford Country Store
Click HERE to RSVP