The next VAHC meeting will be held: 9:30-11:30 AM, June 8, 2011 VT Center for Independent Living 11 East State St., Montpelier For those unable to travel to Montpelier, the call-in number is: Conf. call #: 1-270-400-1500 Access code: 83587 The Draft Agenda is attached and also available online. Minutes from the May meeting, as well as other background materials for the meeting, will be sent out early next week. REMINDER – GOVERNOR’S SUMMIT ON HOUSING THE HOMELESS – JUNE 7 The Summit will be at the State House on June 7th, beginning at 9:00 am and lasting until 4:30 pm. If you have not signed up yet, please contact Diane Nealy at the Agency of Human Services ( or 241-2244. See 2nd announcement from the Governor’s office for more information and proposed agenda. To view the draft work group proposal’s, click here. NEW ENGLAND HOUSING NETWORK D.C. TRIP Polly Nichol, Kenn Sassorossi, and Erhard Mahnke attended the New England Housing Network D.C. trip last week. They were able to meet with delegation staff members, staff for House and Senate budget and authorizing committees, as well as HUD, Rural Development, and other administration officials. Kenn and Erhard will give a report on the trip and the latest news from DC at the Coalition meeting. Here are links to the policy briefing papers that were distributed at the various meetings: (1) NE Housing Network: Federal Budget and Legislative Priorities (2) Rural Development Programs (3) Rural HUD Programs (4) Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Housing and Smart Growth
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