Annual Joint Meeting: Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition & Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness Networking Lunch Annual VAHC & Monthly VCEH Meetings ~~~~ Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:30 am - 2:00 pm Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church 43 Hebard Hill Rd, Randolph, VT
Join fellow VAHC & VCEH members
from across the state for this important event!
We have some very special guests and an exciting agenda for the morning meeting. After lunch, VAHC members will convene for their Annual Meeting and VCEH members for their monthly meeting, held concurrently at the church. We hope you or someone from your organization can attend!! The agenda includes:
Senate President Pro Tem Tim Ashe (confirmed)
House Speaker Mitzi Johnson (confirmed)
Christine Hallquist, Democratic Party candidate for governor (confirmed)
Reports on the $37 million Housing Bond, Great River Terrace Project in Brattleboro & the Youth Homeless Demonstration Project
Networking Lunch (12 noon, $5 donation requested)
VAHC Annual Meeting (12:45 – 2:00) & VCEH Monthly Meeting (12:45 – 2:00)
Unfortunately, Governor Scott is unable to attend due to an official commitment, though we are still hoping that might change. If not, we hope to be able to meet with him at a later date to hear his thoughts on state policy and funding for affordable housing and homelessness and respond to questions from members of the two coalitions. A detailed agenda for the meetings will go out next week.
The VAHC’s Annual Meeting agenda will include election of the 2018/19 Steering Committee and officers. We are fortunate to have eight current Steering Committee members willing to continue serving. The Coalition by-laws allow for up to nine people to serve, leaving one seat open. We’re very pleased to announce that Elizabeth Bridgewater, Executive Director of the Windham & Windsor Housing Trust has agreed to join the Steering Committee. Here is the recommended slate of officers and at large members:
Cindy Reid, Chair & Director of Development, Cathedral Square Corporation
Ted Wimpey, Vice Chair & Director, CVOEO Fair Housing Project
Sara Kobylenski, Treasurer & Executive Director, Upper Valley Haven
Alison Friedkin, Secretary & Director of Real Estate Development, Downstreet Housing & Community Development
Ray Brewster, At Large Member & Independent Consultant
Elizabeth Bridgewater, At Large Member & Executive Director, Windham & Windsor Housing Trust
Chris Damiani, At Large Member & Regional Planner, Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission
Anna Herman, At Large Member & Community Relations Specialist, Champlain Housing Trust
Patricia Tedesco, At Large Member & Home Access Program Coordinator, Vermont Center for Independent Living
Click here for Steering Committee bios.
Take I-89 to Exit 4 and head toward Randolph (right off south bound exit ramp, left off north bound ramp)
Follow Route 66 for about a half mile to Hebard Hill Road on your right
Our Lady of the Angels is on the corner on the right
We will *not* be offering our usual call-in option for this meeting.
Hope to see you on the 18th!