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Outline of FY11 Housing Cuts in Final House/Senate Deal

Writer's picture: David MartinsDavid Martins

Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition, April 12, 2011 “A quick update on FY11 appropriations.  As I’m sure you’re aware, last night the House Appropriations Committee released its detailed list of cuts for the FY11 full year funding agreement brokered between the House and Senate Friday night. These cuts start with $2,130 billion reductions to specific HUD line items. Specific USDA housing line items are also cut by $185. There is also an additional 2% across the board cut to each budget authority, account, program, project, and activity in HUD, USDA and other discretionary accounts (it is not yet clear whether the 2% is incorporated into the cuts). To see a detailed list of HUD cuts deeper than 2%, see below: HUD programs cut deeper than the 2% across the board cut include: Tenant Based Rental Assistance -Admin Fees -$125 million -FUP -$15 million (No funding) -Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Vouchers -$25 million -Tenant Protection vouchers -$10 million Public Housing Operation Fund -$149 million HOPE IV -$100 million Public Housing Capital Fund -$456 million Native American Housing Block Grants -$50 million Community Development Fund -$942 million (CDBG reduced by $643 million) HOME Investment Partnerships -$215 million Lead Hazard Reduction -$20 million Section 202 -$425 million (No predevelopment funding) Section 811 -$115 million (Includes +$35 million in TBRA. Along with the Section 811 account funding, this may come close to covering existing vouchers- we are still figuring that out.) Housing Counseling Assistance -$88 million (No funding) Brownfield Redevelopment -$18 million (No funding) Energy Innovation Fund -$50 million (No funding) USDA housing programs cut deeper than 2% include: Rental Assistance Program -$24 Rural Housing Insurance Fund -$151 All earmarks are eliminated by this bill. The only HUD program increased above FY10 levels is to the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Grants which will receive $40 million more than FY10. The House and Senate are expected to vote on the bill on Thursday.”

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