The National Low Income Housing Coalition has released a new report entitled “Housing Spotlight: The Long Wait for a Home,” in which they detail the extent to which Housing Choice Voucher lists are closed around the country, causing people to have to wait years to access affordable housing. According to NLIHC:
HCV waiting lists had a median wait time of 1.5 years for housing assistance. Twenty-five percent had a wait of at least 3 years. Twenty-five percent of the largest PHAs (5,000+ vouchers and public housing units combined) with HCV waiting lists had a wait time of at least 7 years. The average HCV waiting list consisted of 2,013 households. Public Housing waiting lists had a median wait time of 9 months. Twenty-five percent of them had a wait time of at least 1.5 years. Public Housing waiting lists had an average size of 834 households.
This report analyzes data from 300 public housing authorities across the country, ranging in size, location, and metropolitan status. It is essential that we expand our housing stock around the country and give people in both urban and rural areas greater access to affordable housing. You can download the full report here.