HUD has awarded $252,800 to seven additional Vermont nonprofits to help low and moderate income Vermonters become first time homeowners, to prevent foreclosures and help mobile home owners preserve their homes. The following each received a share of the federal funds to support their important homeownership and foreclosure counseling work:
Central Vermont Community Land Trust
CVOEO Mobile Home Project
Champlain Housing Trust
Lamoille Housing Partnership
NeighborWorks of Western Vermont
Rockingham Area Community Land Trust
Windham Housing Trust
The funding is part of a $1,440,300 HUD grant to Boston-based Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA). The Central Vermont Community Action Council and Bennington-Rutland Opportunity Council also received $76,883 in direct funding from HUD for homeownership, foreclosure prevention and tenant counseling.
“HUD-approved housing counseling agencies are a critical part of the nation’s housing recovery,” said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. “This critical funding will help counseling organizations continue to assist families in making more informed choices before they purchase a home and counsel families facing foreclosure.”
CHAPA received full funding for its application on behalf of the New England Housing Network. The Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition is the state’s lead agency for the Network and helps provide technical assistance to the Vermont grantees. The Obama Administration awarded nearly $73 million in housing counseling grants to more than 500 national, regional and local organizations, a 22% increase over last year’s funding level.
You can read HUD’s press release here: