On November 20th from 12:00PM – 1:00PM the Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity will continue on with their year-long series of discussions about poverty. For this month, the theme of the discussion is titled “Behavioral Economics & Poverty” and features guest speakers Matthew Darling, senior associate and behavioral design expert at ideas42, a behavioral design lab in New York City that applies cutting-edge behavioral insights to solving complex social problems & Dan Connolly, an associate at ideas42. The description is as follows:
This webinar will give participants a better understanding of how to use behavioral economics to design for humans, which has important implications for the programs and policies that support low-income families. Behavioral economics is the study of how people make choices in the textured and rich reality of daily life, drawing on insights from both psychology and economics. In contrast to a pure economic view of people as perfectly rational agents, behavioral economics reminds us that we are all human: we use shortcuts, we are busy, and we don’t always make the best decisions. Such behavior is not anomalous, but a systematic feature of the way we make decisions. In addition to introducing participants to behavioral economics, we will explore breakthrough research revealing how scarcity—of money, time and other important resources—taxes our ability to make decisions, pay attention and exert self-control.
Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/692644519. For further information and links to past presentations click here.