As primary staff member of the Chittenden County Homeless Alliance, supports the administrative work under the direction of the Steering Committee.
Work as staff to and under the direction of its Steering Committee. This includes managing meeting schedules, agenda and minutes.
Establish a process for distribution and retention of Alliance documents.
Develop strong working relationships with members and partners of the Alliance.
Attend all Alliance meetings, including but not limited to the Steering Committee, Coordinated Entry, Strategic Planning, and NOFA Committee.
Take minutes in consistent format and distribute appropriately.
Research information for the committees, as requested.
Support quarterly meeting, including attendance, publicity, location, set up and refreshments.
Responsible for maintaining the Alliance’s web presence and mailing lists, including email.
Orientate new members of the Alliance. Establish a consistent process and content for such.
Create and manage electronic Google documents.
Other duties as assigned.