Due to an increase in the CY2011 funding allocation from HUD, Vermont State Housing Authority may have the ability to serve an additional, approximate 140 households. VSHA proposes to use this funding to serve displaced individuals and families affected by Hurricane Irene in Vermont. As such, these public notices (available at www.helpingtohouse.org under “Informational Resources”) serve two purposes: 1. Proposal to establish a new Presidentially Declared Disaster Preference. 2. Proposal to open the VSHA Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waitlist to serve households that are eligible for the Presidentially Declared Disaster Preference. In addition, it is anticipated that VSHA may be able to serve some additional households, with other preferences, who are already on the VSHA Sect. 8 HCV waitlist. For additional information, call 802-828-3295 (voice); 800-798-3118 (TTY); 800-820-5119 (messages). Equal Housing Opportunity
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