A reminder, on Wednesday, February 26 supporters of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board will gather at the State House in Montpelier. Folks will be calling on legislators to fully support the Governor’s request for $15.3 million for VHCB. Please take the time today to:
Reserve Wednesday, February 26th as a day that you and your organization’s key supporters will spend in Montpelier talking and advocating in the Legislature.
Make Appointments with Your Legislators. Let them know you’ll be at the State House on the 26th. Set up individual or small group meetings with as many legislators from your organization’s entire service area as possible. Review tips for talking to legislators (read here) prior to meeting and relevant policy points (read here)!
Ask Supporters, Board Members, Community Leaders and Project Beneficiaries to Come with You. Ask them to spend the day at the State House.
Please let us know that you’ll be attending, who’s coming with you, and whom you are scheduled to meet. Email addresses and phone numbers appear below. Turn-out is a critical element of Legislative Day. It is essential that we fill the building with our supporters and meet with as many legislators as possible, either one-on-one or in small groups. This is a grassroots coalition, we need to demonstrate this through participation on Legislative Day. These meetings are the most important work you can do on the 26th. Our most effective support comes from the local folks involved in your projects. We need Vermonters from every walk of life – low-income residents, farmers, business leaders, the faith-based community, bankers, contractors, town officials – to tell their legislators about the difference VHCB-funded projects have made in their lives and their communities. Additional volunteers are needed throughout the day. Please contact Erhard if you’d like to help. For more information contact: Erhard Mahnke at 233-2902 or erhardm@burlingtontelecom.net John Shullenberger at 373-2590 or jdsdiann@together.net Adam Necrason at 223-9988 or necrason@snlawvt.com See also: Wednesday, February 26 – Housing and Conservation Legislative Day