Dear Haymarket Grantees – We need you. As you know, the Haymarket Funding Panel is made up of community organizers that represent each state from the six-state New England funding area (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Vermont). This peer-review model is one of the characteristics that differentiates Haymarket from other funders, and having the voices of Vermonters who know the organizations and the communities that are requesting funds is critical as consensus is reached about where and how the limited resources get distributed. Unless new funding panel members from Vermont are recruited in time for this upcoming funding cycle (beginning with an orientation in 2011 and reviewing applications for 2012), there will be no Vermont representation on the panel. We are reaching out to you for help in the hopes that you have someone from your constituency that you are willing to approach to join the funding panel. Jaime and/or I are happy to talk with anyone that is interested to explain the commitment and answer any questions. I can be reached by phone at 802.540.1714 (home), 917.583.1573 (cell) or and the funding panel application is attached. Being a funding panel member is at least as rewarding as it is demanding. We hope to have two Vermont representatives on the panel this year – and with your help we will. In solidarity, Martha Caswell Haymarket Funding Panel, 2009-2011 Volunteer Application – word doc Haymarket Funding Panel
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