Have you ever been denied access to housing or been treated differently in your apartment search or home purchase, financing or other transactions because of your race, skin color, disability, national origin, religion, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation/gender identity, or because you have children, receive public assistance (like Section 8 or other vouchers), or have experienced abuse, sexual assault, or stalking?
The Fair Housing Project at Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) wants to hear from you! Please spare few minutes to answer this confidential survey. It is available in English, Nepali, Arabic, Spanish and French online and you can download a printable English version at https://www.cvoeo.org/fhp-survey. The survey deadline is July 12, 2021.
Many people experience illegal housing discrimination, exclusion, and harassment but only a small percentage of these instances are reported. The Fair Housing Project of CVOEO and the Vermont Human Rights Commission are collecting data on the prevalence of housing discrimination in Vermont. The results will be used to design better strategies to ensure fair and equitable housing choice for everyone.
Thank you in advance for your feedback and taking the time to complete the survey!
Survey link: https://forms.office.com/r/jDJG5zu1J9
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