Fair Housing Friday – Mortgage Assistance and VT Housing Data
Join us at 12:30pm on Friday July 31 to learn about the current state of homeownership and housing in Vermont (including racial inequities), mortgage assistance for homeowners affected by the pandemic, and how to dig into your community’s housing data with guests Shaun Gilpin of the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development, George Demas of Vermont Housing Finance Agency, and Jackson Dean of Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition.
Fair Housing Fridays are informational, interactive video sessions on Fair Housing issues in the context of COVID-19, coordinated by the Fair Housing Project of CVOEO. The Zoom webinars are held from 12:30-1:30pm, with guest presenters and plenty of time for Q&A.
For more information, go to www.cvoeo.org/FHP-Webinars or contact Jess Hyman at the CVOEO Fair Housing Project, 802-660-3456 x 106 or fhp@cvoeo.org
Zoom meeting registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscOGsqTosHtOoqpd7TWNOPQGb5_mAB08v