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Writer's pictureDavid Martins

ACTION ALERT: Sign on to support extending the utility shutoff moratorium!

Dear VAHC members and friends,

Please join VAHC in signing your organization onto a letter from Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG) urging the Public Utility Commission to extend a critical protection for Vermonters who are suffering financially and behind on utility bills during the pandemic. The statewide moratorium on utility disconnections during the state of emergency was initially ordered in March of 2020. Later in 2020, the moratorium expired, but was reinstated after Vermont Legal Aid, VPIRG, VAHC and many other partners signed onto a letter urging the PUC to do so. The moratorium is set to expire at the end of the month. The state is still awaiting the rollout of significant federal Emergency Rental Assistance that will help cover millions of dollars in utility arrearages and thus protect vulnerable Vermonters from future utility shutoffs. Meanwhile, many Vermonters are still in need of the protection of the moratorium to ensure they have safe, healthy, and warm housing to survive the remaining months of the pandemic.

VPIRG is asking for organizations to sign-on support for this letter, which supports Vermont Legal Aid’s request to continue the utility disconnection moratorium.

To sign on, please email Sebbi Wu at VPIRG by 6pm TODAY to indicate you would like your organization’s name to be added. The deadline to sign on is 6pm today, March 16.

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