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ACTION ALERT: Help Stop HUD’s Proposed Rule to Allow Discrimination Against Transgender People Exper

Writer's picture: David MartinsDavid Martins

Please see the following action alert from the NLIHC:

Help Stop HUD’s Proposed Rule to Allow Discrimination Against Transgender People Experiencing Homelessness

HUD published today a proposed rule change that would remove protections against discrimination of transgender and gender non-conforming people experiencing homelessness, severely limiting their ability to access emergency shelters and services. The proposed rule is the latest in a series of attacks by the Trump administration against the LBGTQ+ community.

Take action and help stop this harmful proposal by submitting comments in opposition by September 22. Tell the Trump administration and HUD that everyone has the right to access homeless shelters and other emergency services paid for with taxpayer dollars. Access to shelter and housing is a fundamental necessity—no one should be left in the street because of bigotry.


Under HUD’s 2016 Equal Access Rule, all federally funded housing, facilities, and services must ensure equal access to programs, benefits, services, and accommodations for all individuals regardless of gender identity and without intrusive questioning or documentation requirements. This rule improved the treatment of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals without homes, allowing them to safely secure shelter and emergency services without being turned away due to discrimination.

HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s proposed rule would remove anti-discrimination protections for transgender people seeking shelter by allowing shelter providers to refuse services to them based solely on their gender identity. HUD justifies the proposal by citing “religious freedom” and supposed privacy and safety concerns rooted in negative stereotypes rather than on evidence.

NLIHC, True Colors United, National LGBTQ Task Force, National Housing Law Project, and other national organizations have launched the Housing Saves Lives campaign to oppose this anti-transgender rule. Advocacy tools and resources you can use to oppose the proposal are available at

How You Can Submit Comments

The Housing Saves Lives campaign is calling for individuals and organizations to submit public comments in opposition to HUD’s proposed rule before the September 22 deadline.

Comments are most helpful when they are personalized and unique. To help craft your unique comment please use this template and submit your comment to HUD through a portal at

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