2023 Legislative Wrap-Up
Each year VAHC gathers together the priorities of our 90+ member organizations to identify and articulate our advocacy approach in the Legislative Session. After working with legislators and partners throughout the session, we release a wrap-up that breaks down our accomplishments along with our objectives in the next year. Below are some of those accomplishments with a full break down available here.
S.100 'HOME' Bill
Increases the threshold to trigger Act 250 in designated development areas
Allows duplex construction as-of-right
Eases parking requirement restrictions
Removes limits on allowable uses
Prohibits municipalities from restricting the placement and operations of emergency shelters

FY 2024 Budget (before veto)
VHCB: $21.4 base funding (PTT) plus $50,000,000 ($40M for affordable housing, $10M for emergency shelter and housing for Vermonters experiencing homelessness)
Total VHCB Core Mission Work, Including $21.4 PTT: $25.2M
VHIP: $10,000,000
GA Emergency Housing + Adverse Weather Hybrid: $18,884,610 (DCF)
+ $7,500,000 in base funding for a total of $26.4M
Future Legislative Action
Bills that remain active and will be taken up in the 2024 are as follows:
H.132 Homelessness Bill of Rights (in House General)
H.276 Rental Registry Report (in Senate Economic Development, Housing and General)
H.378 An act relating to the creation of the Office of the Housing Advocate (in House General)

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