Here you'll find the latest information about what's happening at our member organizations, opportunities in the community, and the latest news from the Legislature. Also VAHC Staff share their thoughts about the housing crisis in Vermont.
Gov. Shumlin announces reorganization in Agency of Human Services
Graduate Level Housing Policy Course
Manchester affordable housing moves forward
Concrete slabs and memories
Northeast states cut heating aid to poor
VRSC Workshop: Bridges Out of Poverty on March 21, 2012
Fourteen new affordable apartments in Randolph
NeighborWorks makes $200,000 Irene recovery grant
My Turn: Helping the neediest in compassionate, sustainable ways
Champlain Housing Trust Wins $100,000 Housing for Everyone Award from TD Charitable Foundation
No permit for Bellows Falls Warming Shelter
Housing Preservation Workshop Postponed
Leahy, Sanders, Welch announce grants totaling more than $1 M for economic development planning in e
HUD and Rural Development Budget Updates
Cathedral Square's Nancy Eldridge receives National Award of Honor
Cathedral Square’s Nancy Eldridge receives National Award of Honor
HUD Interim Rule, ESG Allocations, & Final Rule to Define Homelessness Released Today
HUD Interim Rule, ESG Allocations, & Final Rule to Define Homelessness Released Today
Managing the Needs of Vermont's Homeless VPR Story
Managing the Needs of Vermont’s Homeless VPR Story
Please visit our new Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont website at!