Here you'll find the latest information about what's happening at our member organizations, opportunities in the community, and the latest news from the Legislature. Also VAHC Staff share their thoughts about the housing crisis in Vermont.
Why Foreclosures in Vermont Are Up
Affordable housing is out of reach in Vermont
High Rents Make Housing Unaffordable for Many in Vermont
Welfare reform: Maine’s example alarms Vt. advocates
Vermont Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program survey for stakeholders to inform annual plan
Bipartisan Policy Center recommends broad changes for U.S. housing policy
HUD Reports Record Increase in Housing Unaffordability for Low Income Renters
Vt. police see spike in calls to hotels housing homeless
Sen. Leahy, Gov. Shumlin Announce Agreement and Funding for the Redevelopment of a State Office Comp
Advocates speak out against proposed time limits on Reach Up
More of Forest Park disappears
A safety net that is leaving more people out
The Latest on Motel Spending: DCF, Lawmakers Look to Slash Budget
SAVE THE DATE: Guen Gifford Advocate Training
Measuring the need: Count of Vermont's homeless helps refine services
RFP – Family Supportive Housing Program
Over $30 Million Awarded By FHLB Boston for Affordable Housing in New England
Waterbury Recovery Efforts Get $1 Million Boost
Leaders Question Program that Puts Vermont's Homeless in Motels
SAVE THE DATE: Vermont Housing & Conservation Coalition Legislative Day
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