Vision Statement: We envision a future where everyone has a home in which to live with dignity and opportunity.
Mission Statement: The Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition (VAHC) is a dynamic statewide partnership dedicated to uniting people in a movement for safe, accessible, quality, and perpetually affordable housing. We accomplish this through advocacy, education, and outreach.
Who We Are
- We believe that housing is a basic right, and that housing justice is tied to social, economic, environmental, and racial justice.
- We prioritize meeting the housing needs of the state's low- and moderate-income residents.
- We advocate for adequate investment into three priority areas: creating and preserving perpetually affordable housing, housing-related financial assistance programs, and supportive services.
- We support affordable housing residents' participation and control in their housing and work to empower residents to have a voice in policy change.
- We recognize that some groups are disproportionately impacted by housing insecurity, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, new Americans, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people experiencing homelessness, older adults, and families with children, and we seek to raise awareness of and address these systemic inequalities.
- We believe people thrive and build stronger communities when they have equitable access to stable housing that meets their needs and preferences. We support policies that affirmatively further housing choice and protect renters.
The Coalition’s 90-plus members represent most of Vermont’s non-profit affordable housing developers, community land trusts, homeless shelters and service providers, public housing authorities, funding agencies, community action agencies, regional planners, and housing, disability and tenants’ rights advocates. Our individual members include housing professionals and advocates who share VAHC's mission.
VAHC is guided by a 13-person Steering Committee and staffed by a full-time Director and two Americorps VISTA members.
VAHC is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization.
Learn more about the benefits of membership, join or renew online, or download a membership form.
NOTE: VAHC Membership meetings are on hold as we complete the final steps in the merger with the Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness to become the HOUSING & HOMELESSNESS ALLIANCE OF VERMONT. This dynamic new organization builds on a long history of collaboration and shared goals and will have a stronger and more unified voice in the Statehouse, a larger staff with more capacity, and more stable and sustainable funding steams.
The Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont (HHAV) will work toward a future in which all people living in Vermont have safe, stable, affordable homes and if homelessness occurs, it is brief, rare, and non-recurring. This includes the full spectrum of the affordable housing landscape, from rentals to homeownership, from shelter to subsidies and services, from new development to sustaining existing housing, and so much more.
Please stay tuned for more information and sign up for the mailing list to receive meeting announcements and other news.

Please visit our new Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont website at www.hhav.org!