VAHC Membership Approves Merger with Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness
UPDATES: Help us name the merged VAHC/VAHC organization! Please rank the proposed names in this survey: https://forms.office.com/r/A5ce7y...
Since 1985, the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition (VAHC), has been committed to ensuring all Vermonters have decent, safe and affordable housing. This coalition of the state's non-profit affordable housing developers, community land trusts, housing and homeless advocacy groups and service providers, public housing authorities, regional planners, economic service providers, funders, state agencies, individuals, and others has been advocating for affordable housing interests and the interests of low-income Vermonters at the state and federal levels.
Throughout its history, VAHC has played a central role in most of the important developments affecting housing policy in Vermont, and is committed to continuing to do so as we merge with the Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness to become the Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont (HHAV).
This dynamic new organization builds on a long history of collaboration and shared goals and will have a stronger and more unified voice in the Statehouse, a larger staff with more capacity, and more stable and sustainable funding steams.
The Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont (HHAV) will work toward a future in which all people living in Vermont have safe, stable, affordable homes and if homelessness occurs, it is brief, rare, and non-recurring. This includes the full spectrum of the affordable housing landscape, from rentals to homeownership, from shelter to subsidies and services, from new development to sustaining existing housing, and so much more.
Please stay tuned for more information and sign up for the mailing list to receive meeting announcements and other news.
Write to House 802 empowers Vermont housing leaders and allies to write opinion pieces to advocate for policies to increase access to safe, affordable, and decent housing in Vermont. Write to House is open to VAHC members, friends, and allies. Participants do not need previous experience writing opinion pieces but should be willing to write at least one piece.
The Bridges to Housing proposal called for five linked strategies to address this crisis while decreasing Vermont's reliance on motel-based shelter. This proposal reflected the collective planning efforts of state housing leaders and was signed by many housing organizations across Vermont.
Please visit our new Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont website at www.hhav.org!